Two llma-Mahesvara panels installed side by side were located at a water fountain at Nayapachatol, near Jaisidevala in Kathmandu (PI. 18). Of these two, the bigger one, measuring 56 inches in height, was one of the largest panels of this theme so far discovered in the Valley of Kathmandu. The smaller panel measuring only 34 inches stood on the left of the bigger panel (PI. 19). The bigger panel is still found in its original place.
In the smaller panel (PI. 20), Shiva was shown seated in lalitasana pose, on a cushion which was probably covered by a tiger skin. He held a rosary and a trident in his rear right and left hands, respectively. His front left arm rested on Uma’s shoulder and the hand carried a waterpot while the front right hand was held in varadamudra. Shiva with his jatamukuta, the matted locks of hair, wore earrings, a beaded necklace, a sacred thread, armlets, bracelets and an ornate girdle to hold his garment. Details of his face were slightly croded, but behind his hcad was a beautiful halo with pearl and flame motif delicately carved.
Uma sat on the left of Shiva, gently leaning towards her husband with her right arm on his lap while her left hand rested on her knee. A female attendant was shown holding the right foot of Uma. On hcr right, two four-handed female attendants stood holding a parasol and flower.
On the right of Shiva was his mount Nandi, the bull, shown with a prominent hump. Right below him was a small figure of seated Kumara, son of Shiva, who was playfully touching his Fdther’s knee. Above the divine couple, two four-armed male attendants of Shiva were represented on either side, each holding his attributes. Occupying the central position on top, a parasol was shown with fluttering ribbons flanked by the sun and the moon. On the lower panel, ganas, family of Shiva, including Ganesha and the skeletal Bhringa in the center, were represented dancing.
I t must be noted here that the faces of Shiva, Kumara, some ganas and attendants of Uma, standing on the extreme right and massaging her right foot, were all badly repaired by cement plaster.
This panel of Uma-Mahesvara, datable to the 11 thcentury A.D. was stolen in the early 1970’s.
- Title : Uma-Mahesvara
- Year : 11th century A.D.
- Medium : Grey limestone
- Dimension : Ht. 34 inches
- Accession No : Stolen in the early 1970's
- Country/ Geo-location : Nayapachatol, Kathmandu
- Collection : Stolen Images of Nepal – Lain S.Bangdel